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Inside Work Injuries
Notice to Employer
Non-Fatal Injuries
Medical Expenses
Attorneys Fees
Additional Compensation
Choose Doctors
Doctor Limits
Bill Payment
Time Limits
Employer Examination

On-The-Job Injuries in Illinois

Workers injured in Illinois are protected by the Illinois Worker's Compensation Act.  It provides that they are able to receive first aid, as well as treatment from 2 separate doctors, chiropractors, surgeons, or hospitals of their choice, provided they notify their employer in most cases within 45 days, and if their employer does not pay their medical expenses, file a claim within 3 years of the injury, or 2 years from the last payment.

Illinois Industrial Commission

Worker's Compensation Act

1) Illinois Worker's Compensation Act (.pdf)

  1. Notice of Accident to Employer
  2. Compensation for Non-fatal Injuries
  3. Employers Responsibility for Medical Expenses
  4. Employer's Request for Independent Medical Examination
  5. Attorney's Fees
  6. Additional Compensation
  7. Violations

2) Illinois Employee's Handbook (.pdf) (espanol.pdf)

  1. Who to Notify
  2. Can the Employee Choose the Doctor or Hospital?
  3. Limit to Number of Doctors?
  4. Employer Payment of Medical Bills
  5. Time Limits

3) Illinois Industrial Commission Forms

  1. Worksite Notice

  2. Employers Request for Employee Medical Examination


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