Inside Gua Sha (Pre-Graston) IASTM Soft Tissue
Research Reports on Graston Technique®
on the Graston Technique® is ongoing. The following studies
were conducted using the GASTM* Protocol by Graston Technique®
trained clinicians:
- Davidson CJ,
Ganion L, Gehlsen G, Roepke J, Verhoestra B, Sevier TL: Morphologic
and functional changes in rat achilles tendon following collagenase
injury and GASTM. Journal of the American College
of Sports Medicine 27(5) 1995.
This study
examined morphologic changes and functional changes in the Achilles
tendon of rats following collagenase injury and subsequent
intervention with the Graston Technique® (GASTM).
Animals were randomly assigned to one of four groups (five rats per
group): (1.) control; (2.) tendinitis; (3.) tendinitis plus GASTM;
and (4.) GASTM alone.
The Achilles tendons were
harvested six weeks after injury. Gait analysis was performed using
a rat treadmill, high-speed film and computer digitalization.
Results indicated a significant therapeutic effect of the GASTM for
stride length, stride frequency and knee range of motion (ROM).
Electron microscopy found an increased number of fibroblasts in both
groups treated with the Graston Technique® (GASTM)
(groups 3 & 4).
- Sevier TL, Gehlsen GM, Wilson JK,
Stover SA, and Helfst RH: Traditional physical therapy vs.
Graston Technique® Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization in
treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Journal of the
American College of Sports Medicine 27 (5), 1995.
Forty patients diagnosed with
lateral epicondylitis were randomly assigned to one of two groups;
traditional PT protocol; phonophoresis and manual cross-friction;
the Graston Technique® protocol. Both groups received
identical cryotherapy, exercise and stretching programs. Pain level,
mechanical finger power and grip strength were measured. There was a
statistical difference between groups, in favor of the Graston
Technique® protocol for the above measures.
- Davidson
CJ, Ganion L, Gehlsen GM, Verhoestra B, Roepke JE, Sevier TL. Rat
tendon morphologic and functional changes resulting from soft tissue
mobilization. Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise 29(3):313-319, 1997.
 | 10
More Great Techniques. Feature Cover Article: The
American Chiropractor,
Aug., 2003. |
 | Adding
Income with Instruments. Article:Chiropractic
Economics. Issue 14,
September, 2005 |
 | A
Growing Trend in Hand Therapy. Physical
Therapy Products, April/May 2005 |
 | Anderson RJ. Pitching
in Stitches. Training & Conditioning.
2005; 15(3): 15-23. |
 | Boughton B,
Wristoration, Alleviating
the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. BioMechanics.
2004; 11(1):20-27. |
 | Championship
Chiropractic. Article: Dynamic Chiropractic,
June, 2005. |
 | Chiropractic
Soft-Tissue Expertise: Boon to Patients. Focus
Article: JACA, Sept., 2003. |
 | DeLuccio,
Justine. Instrument
Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Utilizing Graston Technique: A
Physical Therapist’s Perspective. Orthopaedic
Physical Therapy Practice: 18 (3) 2006. |
 | Duffy M,
Greenapple S. Graston
Technique: The (non-) Cutting Edge of Treatment. Carolina
SportsLink Magazine: 18, May 2004. |
 | Falvey M. Repetitive
Stress Injuries: Fighting Back With The Graston Technique.
Claims Magazine, 4 (5):38-46, April, 2000. |
 | Falvey M. The
Promise of Tissue Remodeling. Dynamic
Chiropractic: 8-9, Mar. 26, 2001. |
 | Fedorczyk JA. Therapist’s
Management of Elbow Tendonitis. In: Mackin EJ,
Callahan AD, Skirven TM, Schneider LH, Osterman AL, Hunter JM, eds.
Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity. St. Louis: Mosby;
2002: 1271-1281. |
 | Focht D. Augmented
soft tissue mobilization: A new frontier in treating soft tissue
conditions. OT Practice 3(9):49-50, 1998. |
 | Fowler S. Responding
to Managed Care. Occupational Health &
Safety 68(10):212-215, 1999. |
 | Fowler S,
Wilson JK, Sevier TL. Innovative
approach for the treatment of cumulative trauma disorders.
WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. |
 | Gehlsen GM,
Ganion LR, Helfst RH. Fibroblast
responses to variation in soft tissue mobilization pressure.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31(4):531-535,
1999 |
 | Hammer WI. Anatomic
Predisposition to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Dynamic
Chiropractic 20(3), January 28, 2002. |
 | Hammer WI. Applying
the Graston Technique: An Update. Dynamic
Chiropractic 21(1), Jan. 1, 2003. |
 | Hammer WI. Graston
Technique: A Necessary Piece of the Puzzle. Dynamic
Chiropractic 19(20), September 24, 2001. |
 | Hammer WI. Instrument-Assisted
Soft Tissue Mobilization: A Scientific and Clinical Perspective.
Dynamic Chiropractic, 22 (11) 28, 47 May 20, 2004. |
 | Hammer WI. Joint
Preservation Is Necessary for Hands-On Chiropractic.
Dynamic Chiropractic 21(25) Nov. 30, 2003. |
 | Hammer WI. Knee
Stiffness in a Young Athlete After Activity. Dynamic
Chiropractic 19(16), July 30, 2001. |
 | Hammer WI. The
Pathology & Healing of Tendinosis. Dynamic
Chiropractic 20(9), April 22, 2002. |
 | Hammer WI. Rotator
Cuff Tendinosis. D.C. Tracts 14(1):3-6,
Spring 2002. |
 | Hammer WI,
Pfefer, MT. Treatment
of a Case of Subacute Lumbar Compartment Syndrome Using the Graston
Technique. Journal of Manipulative and
Physiological Therapeutics 28(3):199-204, March/April 2005. |
 | Hammer WI. Weak
Abdominals — Tight Lumbodorsal Fascia. Dynamic
Chiropractic 19(24), November 19, 2001. |
 | Henry P,
Panwitz B, Wilson JK. Treatment
of a bilateral total knee replacement using Augmented Soft Tissue
Mobilization. Physical Therapy Case Reports
2(1):27-30, 1999. |
 | Hyde TE. Graston
Technique for Athletic Injuries. D.C.
Tracts 15(3): 2-4, Fall 2003. |
 | Hyde TE. The
Graston Technique: a new manual therapy for back pain.
Spine-health website, posted: Aug. 5, 2003. |
 | Kipp D, Wilson
JK. Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome: A Critical Review. Critical Reviews in
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2001; 13(1):
67-77. |
 | Martinez R. Graston
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. Integrative
Medicine 2 (3): 18-23, June/July 2003. |
 | New
and Innovative Techniques for Treating Runners and Multi-sport
Athletes, |
 | No
tunnel of love: carpal tunnel syndrome.Focus
Article: JACA 39 (7):8-16, July, 2002. |
 | Perle SM. The
Leading Edge. Training & Conditioning
XIII (7): 27-31, Oct., 2003. |
 | Perle SM,
Lawson G. Stimulating
Healing by Initiating Inflammatory Response. Canadian
Chiropractor 9 (2): 10-13, April, 2004. |
 | Ploski, Mike Graston
Techniqe. BioMechanics, August
2007. |
 | Roush MB,
Sevier TL, Wilson JK, Helfst RH, Gehlsen GM, Bassey AL. Anterior
Knee Pain: A Clinical Comparison of Rehabilitation.
Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 10(1):22-28, 2000. |
 | Sevier TL,
Helfst RH, Stover SA, Wilson JK. Clinical
trends on tendinitis. WORK: A Journal of
Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 14(2):123-126, 2000. |
 | Sevier TL,
Helfst RH, Stover SA, Wilson JK. Tendinitis:
A critical review. Critical Reviews in Physical
and Rehabilitation Medicine (Publication summer 2000). |
 | Smith S. Faster,
Better, Easier Soft-Tissue Mobilization. Exploring
Hand Therapy 5(1):1,3,4,9,13,18, April 2005. |
 | Snodgrass SJ,
Rivett DA. Thumb
Pain in Physiotherapists: Potential Risk Factors and Proposed
Prevention Strategies. The Journal of Manual
& Manipulative Therapy 10 (4): 206-217, 2002. |
 | Soft
Tissue Mobilization with Instruments Makes Solid Biz Sense, Practice
Owners Find. Article:
Impact Magazine. September, 2005. |
 | Wilson JK,
Sevier TL. Common
Treatment modalities utilized in treating lateral epicondylitis.
Physical Therapy Reviews. (Publication summer 2000). |
 | Wilson JK,
Sevier TL. A Review of
treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Disability
and Rehabilitation. 2003; 25(3); 113-119. |