Bibliographic Reference
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Woodward SP, Ball KA. Leg
Length Inequality Case Study; Three-Dimensional Movement Analysis
of the Effects of Foot Orthotics and Heel Lift. J
Chiropractic Ed Mar 2003
It was found in a small trial that with human subjects that
optimal time to make a balance measurement using this scale is
around 20 seconds.
03/03 |
Kuhn DR,Smasl S, Pappas A, Nosco D. Radiographic
Evaluation of the Effect of Orthotics on the Unlevel Pelvis. J
Chiropractic Ed Mar 2003
The use of custom-made orthotics demonstrated a normalizing
effect on pelvic measurement in 20/35 subjects.
Dennis Nosco, Ph.D., Jeff Birkenmeier, B.S., Steve Costantino,
B.S., and Raymond A. Wiegand, D.C. Validation
of a Bilateral Weight Scale as an Assessment Tool in a
Chiropractic Research Laboratory. Logan College of
Recipient of Logan's Research Study of the Year award
in 2003.
Kuhn DR, Cherry A, Golab M, Rodgers S. Immediate
changes in the quadriceps femoris angle after insertion of an
orthotic device. J Manip Physiol Ther September 2002
• Volume 25 • Number 7 • p465 to p470
Some painful knee disorders can be controlled or corrected
using Foot Levelers orthotics.
Kevin Arthur Ball, PhDa, Margaret J. Afheldtb.
Evolution of foot orthotics–part 1: Coherent theory or coherent
practice? Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics February 2002 • Volume 25 • Number 2 •
p116 to p124
The use of foot orthoses is well documented for the treatment
of many maladies. Successes have been documented with custom-made
flexible orthotic designs that emphasize the 3 natural arches of
the foot.
Kevin Arthur Ball, PhDa, Margaret J. Afheldtb Evolution
of foot orthotics–part 2: Research reshapes long-standing
theory. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics February 2002 • Volume 25 • Number 2 •
p125 to p134 
Subtalar neutral casting is unreliable and not valid. Support
for weight bearing casting. Evidence suggests that proprioceptive
influences play a large, unexplored role in biomechanics.
Stude DE, Gullickson J. Effects
of orthotic intervention and nine holes of simulated golf on gait
in experienced golfers. J Manip Physiol Ther
Foot Levelers orthotics reduce fatigue and dramatically improve
pelvic rotation and stride length, having a positive influence on
whole-body activities.
Stude DE, Gullickson J. Effects
of orthotic intervention and nine holes of simulated golf on
club-head velocity in experienced golfers. J Manip Physiol
Ther 2000; 23(3):168-174.
Golfers can hit farther (up to 15 yards) and significantly
reduce fatigue wearing Foot Levelers stabilizing orthotics.
Kuhn DR, Shibley NJ, Austin WM, Yochum TR. Radiographic
evaluation of weight bearing orthotics and their effect on
flexible pes planus. J Manip Physiol Ther 1999;
Weight-bearing casting and subsequent development of Foot
Levelers custom orthotics can help people with flexible flat feet
improve structural alignment.
5/99 |
Stude DE, Brink DK. Effects
of nine holes of simulated golf and orthotic intervention on
balance and proprioception in experienced golfers. J Manip
Physiol Ther 1997; 20(9):590-601.
Balance and proprioception are improved using Foot Levelers
stabilizing orthotics.
11/97 |
Austin WM. Shin
splints with underlying posterior tendinitis: A case report. J
Sports Chiro and Rehab 1996;10(4).
Correcting faulty biomechanics with Foot Levelers orthotics
provides a difference in long term relief from symptoms.
04/96 |
Yochum TR, Barry MS. Bone
marrow edema caused by altered pedal biomechanics. J Manip
Physiol Ther 1997; 20(1):56-59.
Foot Levelers custom orthotics prescribed to specifically
address foot pronation.
01/97 |